Music by
Lolita Ritmanis
Score produced by
Mark Mattson & Lolita Ritmanis
Orchestra conductor
Lolita Ritmanis
Choir conductor
Māris Sirmais
Lolita Ritmanis
Larry Rench
Music Recorded at
Latvia Radio 1 Studio, Riga
MBM Studios, Los Angeles
Music Recorded by:
Varis Kurmiņš
Mark Mattson
Music Mixed by
Mark Mattson
Music Mastered by
Mark Mattson
Latvia Radio 1 Recording Coordinator
Māris Briežkalns
Recording engineers
Augustīns Delle
Māris Lācis
Ivo Tauriņš
Pāvels Mališkins
1st Violins
Aleksejs Bahirs - Koncertmeistars
Oskars Siliņš
Inese Štrāle
Aija Frišenfelde
Indulis Cintiņš
Madara Gaile
Undīne Cercina
Rūdolfs Miķelsons
Lāsma Vītola
Andrejs Jegorovs
2nd Violins
Ivars Brīnums
Inga Slava
Beāte Račko
Aleksandra Mališkina
Margarita Ogibalova
Kristiāna Ozoliņa
Baiba Biezā
Otto Trapāns
Arigo Štrāls
Silvija Krauze
Liene Martinsone
Tatjana Ļebedeva
Jevgenija Gorbunova
Santa Lūcija Circene
Katrīna Anna Pelnēna
Dāvis Sliecāns
Ieva Upatniece
Dace Zālīte- Zilberte
Pēteris Čirkšis
Miķelis Dobičins
Dārta Svētiņa
Tomas Anžs
Oskars Bokanovs
Raivo Ozols
Viktors Veļičko
Viktors Stankēvičs
Ieva Šablovska
Anete Toča
Maija Zandberga
Mārtiņš Circenis
Sigurds Lallo
Mareks Pinta
Jana Zeļenska
Dainis Cimermanis
Jānis Semjonovs
Raimonds Gulbis
French Horns
Miks Bankevics
Mārcis Kalniņš
Kalvis Etkins
Daniels Sabanskis
Mārcis Auziņš
Rolands Sēlis
Edgars Bārzdiņš
Edgars Švembergs
Kaspars Majors
Lauris Zvejnieks
Artūrs Bērziņš
Raivis Māgurs
Edgars Saksons
Rihards Zaļupe
Līga Kārkliņa
Lolita Ritmanis
Paul Jameson
State Choir "Latvija"
Artistic Director and Chief Conductor
Māris Sirmais
General Manager
Māris Ošlejs
Administrative assistant
Līga Štrausa
Vita Grīnhofa
Indra Prince
Māra Pilante
Marlēna Dravniece
Inga Lisovska
Irīna Rebhūna
Agita Meri
Laura Tērauda
Ina Jēkabsone
Sanita Sinkēviča
Dita Tomsone
Eva Pērkone
Ingrīda Klepere
Marika Austruma
Daiga Visocka
Lāsma Gorska
Inita Kamarūte
Zane Kažēna
Ilze Dzenīte
Laila Lineja
Inga Giluča
Daina Āboltiņa
Iveta Sevele
Dace Bite
Lauma Malnace
Evita Taranda
Jurģis Liepnieks
Didzis Lielauss
Valdis Tomsons
Guntars Vētra
Matīss Tučs
Ansis Bētiņš
Kalvis Ozoliņš
Armands Šterns
Agnis Augustinovičs
Cristopher Brent Walsh
Juris Jēkabsons
Uģis Matvejs
Ralfs Šmīdbergs
Vilhelms Georgs Vācietis
Eduards Fiskovičs
Ivars Rebhūns
Eduards Vācietis
Uģis Meņģelis
Zigmārs Grasis
Ivars Krauze
Jānis Petrovskis
Agris Puķe
Orchestra contractor
Edgars Saksons
Baiba Čirkše -
Stage crew
Andis Zvejnieks
Kaspars Majors
Transports / transportation
Ainārs Paukšēns
Additional Orchestration
Steven Rader
Music Preparation
Baiba Čirkse
Uģis Meņģelis
Photographers and Artists
Sanita Ieva Sparāne
Raimonds Birkenfelds
Pēteris Vīksna
Kristians Rukuts
Kristaps Kalns
Blizzard of Souls (Latvian: Dvēseļu putenis) or The Rifleman (international title) is a 2019 Latvian historical drama directed by Dzintars Dreibergs.It premiered on 8 November 2019 in Latvia and on 20 February 2020 internationally at the European Film Market.The film is an adaptation of Aleksandrs Grīns' novel of the same name written during his service as a Latvian Rifleman in World War I. During the first five weeks of screening the film was seen by more than 200,000 people, making it the most-watched film since the restoration of Latvian independence.
A sixteen-year-old Arturs enlists to fight in First World War with dreams of becoming a hero, but after surviving the brutalities of trench warfare and the loss of his family, he wonders if his efforts in battle were futile and if hope is only to be found in rebuilding a family and a home as Latvia itself is born from the atrocities of war.
Lolita Ritmanis (composer) notes
"The dream of scoring a feature film in Latvia, the birthplace of my parents, came true when I was fortunate to be hired to compose the score for the epic film “Blizzard of Souls.” My heartfelt thanks to director Dzintars Dreibergs, producer Inga Praņevska, and editor Gatis Belogrudovs for this monumental experience, for our collaboration, and for the countless hours spent together “virtually” and in Riga. To the Latvian community, and to all of the brilliant artists who brought this film to life: thank you. To the outstanding musicians, State choir “Latvia,” and choir artistic director Māris Sirmais: Your artistry and sublime musical contributions to this score are profoundly appreciated. To the entire recording team in Latvia, with special thanks to Varis Kurmiņš: We became a little family throughout this process. Thank you for your outstanding work. To Larry Rench: my "right hand" in orchestration, thank you for your friendship and for your dedication to this project. Mark Mattson: all is possible with you by my side. You helped me realize this dream, investing your heart and soul, your time and talent from day one of this process. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you to my partners in Los Angeles: Michael McCuistion and Kristopher Carter, who kept everything going while I was working on Blizzard of Souls. Thank you to Michal Marks at A Muse Management, Steve Winogradsky, Chandler Poling, Thomas Mikusz and the team at White Bear PR. And finally, to my beloved family: thank you for always being my cheerleaders. I am truly grateful for the power of love in my life because of you all. I know that my "Tētis" (my dad) is watching from heaven. I felt his presence as I composed each and every note of this score."
Soundtrack available here