A dark comedy set in the 80’s about two brothers seeking the return of their inheritance that their deceased mother donated to a televangelist.
Directed by
Thomas L. Callaway
Written by
Kenny Yakkel
Produced by
Thomas L. Callaway
Mercedes Jane
Daniel Roebuck
Associate Producer
William Hagens
Executive Producers
Helen Grace Caldwell
Mike Krukowski
Cinematography by
Thomas L. Callaway
James Lawrence Spencer
Film Editing by
Miriam L. Preissel
Production Design by
Molly McIntosh
Music by
Kristopher Carter
Michael McCuistion
Lolita Ritmanis
Duane Whitaker
Daniel Roebuck
Leslie Easterbrook
Glen Hentz
Clu Gulager
Bret Anthony
Robert Craighead
Tessa Harnetiaux
Craig Mitchell
Jeremy Ratchford
Austin Stoker
Shannon Brown
Mercedes Jane