The Zeta Project is an American science fiction American animated television series produced by Warner Bros. Animation. It first aired on Kids’ WB in January 2001. It is a spin-off series based on the character Zeta from the Batman Beyond episode of the same name. The show was created by Robert Goodman and Warner Bros. Animation. The story’s main character, Infiltration Unit Zeta, is a humanoid robot (synthoid) designed to carry out covert assassinations on the behalf of the NSA. However, when Zeta discovers that one of his targets is innocent, he experiences a kind of existential crisis about goodness and the value of life; following this epiphany, Zeta finds he can no longer kill. The newly enlightened Zeta refuses to continue on as an infiltration unit and abandons his mission, going rogue. Zeta is pursued by a team of NSA agents, led by the obsessed Agent Bennett, and is aided by a 15-year-old runaway, Rosali “Ro” Rowen.
Produced by
Bob Goodman
Music by
Lolita Ritmanis
Kristopher Carter
Shirley Walker
Theme by
Lolita Ritmanis
Mark Mattson
Music Engineers
Mark Mattson
Mako Sujishi
Bobby Fernandez
Music Department
Mark Mattson (composer: theme music / music mixer)
Lolita Ritmanis (composer: title music/ conductor/orchestrator)
Shirley Walker (supervising composer)
Mako Sujishi (music mixer)
Created by
Bob Goodman
Series Directed by
Bob Davies
Curt Geda
Tim Maltby
Bob Doucette
T.J. House
Liz Holzman
Olaf Miller
Jim Maltby
Dan Riba
Series Editorial Department
Jasin Sloan
Series Writing Credits
Joseph Kuhr
Bob Goodman
Kevin Hopps
Rich Fogel
Hilary Bader
Paul Diamond
Ralph Soll
Katy Cooper
Stacey Liss Goodman
Wendell Morris
Tom Sheppard
Ned Teitelbaum
David Benullo
Liz Holzman
Randy Rogel
Christopher Simmons
Lyle Weldon
Nominee—Annie Awards, 2003
Outstanding Production Design in an Animated Television Production
Nominee—Annie Awards, 2001
Outstanding Individual Achievement for Music Score an Animated Television Production
Nominee—Annie Awards, 2001
Outstanding Individual Achievement for Storyboarding in an Animated Television Production
Nominee—Daytime Emmy Awards, 2003
Outstanding Achievement in Music Direction and Composition
Nominee—Daytime Emmy Awards, 2002
Outstanding Achievement in Music Direction and Composition